About Us

Our commitment to our customers will never waver.

Our Promise To You !

Our designs offer you unparalleled performance at a great value, so that you can count on our products to perform when you need them. All eHats are backed by our prideful limited lifetime warranty which means our quality and performance is backed up by more than just words.

Our Promise To The Environment !

We’re more than just eHat designers, we’re outdoors people. We hunt. We fish. We hike. That’s why one of our most important goals is focusing on doing our part to preserve our environment. We create our products with recyclable materials, minimize packaging and use materials that minimize the impact on our planet.

Our Company Philosophy

  • Exceed customer expectations
  • Provide responsive customer attention and service
  • Create our products and focus on delivered value
  • Share our growth with our staff
  • Provide additional lifestyle enjoyment all the while being good stewards of our environment


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